Posts Categorized: February 2024

Be prepared

Matt Medley explains the four areas of the defence industry that will be impacted the most over the next 12 months Military supply chains have been impacted heavily due to the increase in conflicts in 2023, as a result inventories and resources of some military forces are becoming inadequate to combat enemy forces. Due to… Read more »

Identity confirmed

Nick Larter reveals how digital passports are making travel experiences smoother From passports to ID cards to driver’s licenses, many government documents already have a digital counterpart. But we are only using a small fraction of what digital identity technology can actually do. Its widespread use will not only open up countless new applications and… Read more »


Paul D Turner advances the art and science of the SIGINT/TSCM role During the past decade, technology advancements have shaped the software-defined radio environment within a Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) role. SIGINT/TSCM have seen industry disruptive advancements at the hardware and software level with algorithmic coding to address technical challenges. A… Read more »

Red alert

Matthew Borie examines the Yemeni Houthi Iranian-backed militant group attacks amid the Israel-Hamas conflict In wake of the Hamas attacks from Gaza on Israel, which began on 7 October, the Yemeni Houthi Iranian-backed militant group (IBMG) has initiated a campaign of attacks targeting Israeli territory as well as against commercial and military vessels in the… Read more »

Under the influence

Jorge Marinho and Júlio Ventura consider lawfare and foreign influence on politicians as he examines NATO and Portuguese internal intelligence service insights Politicians can be the targets of influence operations directly or indirectly conducted by adversary states, by turning to various instruments such as the media and lobbying firms, for instance. In this case, influence… Read more »

Stay on target

Laura Libeer highlights eight ways to bolster your cyber security resources without blowing your budget IT security breaches are becoming more frequent and costly. According to IBM Security’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023 UK organisations shell out an average of £3.4-million for data breach incidents. There isn’t a CISO around that doesn’t wish… Read more »

A false economy

Jamal Elmellas looks at whether the short-term fix of cutting costs could have harmful long-term consequences Over the course of the past year, we’ve seen businesses look to make the security function more efficient and streamlined which has inevitably led to cutbacks. Contraction in spend has also hit vendors, some of which have cut their… Read more »