Posts By: Jacob Charles

Crowdsourcing counter terrorism

Professor Babak Akhgar tells Robert de la Poer how police and security services can use social media and other open source data to combat terrorism and organised crime   RP: Some of our readers may not be familiar with the field of informatics. Could you begin by outlining what it involves and how it can… Read more »

Return of the letterbomb

2014 has already seen several deadly letterbomb attacks. Kirstine Wilson warns that the threat is only likely to increase and discusses how the latest screening technology can save lives and property   Incidents involving “white powder” letters have received a great deal of media coverage since the anthrax attacks of 2001 with their headline-grabbing association… Read more »

Toughening soft targets

Lina Kolesnikova argues that soft targets are becoming more attractive to would-be terrorists, and calls for a greater guidance for the public on how to respond in the event of an attack   The attacks of 11 September 2001 marked a change in terrorist attitudes, in that the aim is no longer merely to threaten… Read more »


Following the sudden disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, John Chisholm asks whether poor cabin security, baggage screening or passport control could be provide clues as to its whereabouts   It probably was not aliens. It is worth getting that out of the way first when discussing the potential fate of Flight MH370, whose fate… Read more »

The future of X-ray?

Frederic Brouiller discusses the benefits and usage of real-time tomography technology for explosive detection in the aviation industry   Throughout the years there have been a number of well-documented cases of severe threats or even acts of terrorism that have jeopardised the security of airports and airliners across the globe. These dangers have originated from… Read more »

The Chechen Bin Laden

Following the news that Chechen Jihadist Doku Umarov has been killed, Anthony Tucker-Jones charts the rise and fall of Russia’s most wanted terrorist   While all eyes have been on Russia’s Winter Olympics and the gathering storm clouds over Ukraine, in the Russian North Caucasus it is business as usual. The violence that has blighted… Read more »

The power of surprise

Peter Stolwerk outlines the risks faced by operatives during tactical breaching operations, and explores how hydraulic breaching tools can save lives and help increase conviction rates   Every day, police forces all over the world are faced with suspects who may be hiding in houses or business premises. In many cases these suspects are armed,… Read more »

Cracking Fallujah

As Iraqi government troops once again fight for control of the city of Fallujah, Anthony Tucker-Jones reports on the growing chaos in Iraq’s troubled Sunni triangle   Recent fighting for control of the Iraqi city of Fallujah is symptomatic of a much wider al-Qaeda threat that is slowly worsening right across the Levant and the… Read more »

Built-in security

Chris Driver-Williams examines how security and blast-mitigation can be designed into otherwise vulnerable buildings to limit the effects of terrorist attacks   As he neared the end of the bustling rush-hour journey through Downtown Oklohoma City, the former soldier-turned security guard reached down into the foot-well and calmly lit the end of the burning-fuse. He… Read more »

Two dogs and a bone

As tensions continue to grow over the Russian occupation of the Crimea, John Chisholm assesses the ethnic and political factors which threaten to pull the Ukraine apart   Ukraine has now had two liberal revolutions. The second proved bloodier, more drawn-out and more contentious than the first. With both the European Union and Russia pulling… Read more »