Posts By: Jacob Charles

International Threat Watch 2015

Regional Instability
 Paul McGrath assesses the potential sources of regional instability in 2015   South Asia ISAF withdrawal from Afghanistan A civil war is very likely after the 2014 ISAF withdrawal. Although the Taliban is unlikely to be able to overthrow the Kabul government, at least over the next two years, the government’s authority outside… Read more »

International Threat Watch 2015

Terrorist Groups Matthew Henman examines the key terrorist groups to watch in 2015
   The Islamic State, previously known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), is a Sunni militant Islamist group founded in Iraq in October 2004. Initially known as al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), the group subsequently created a series of… Read more »

Combating terror tourism

Following the recent shootings in Canada, Anthony Tucker-Jones asks what can be done to safeguard against radicalised expatriates and aspiring jihadists   Following the recent arrest of four men suspected of plotting attacks at Remembrance Sunday events in the UK and the killing of two soldiers in Canada, efforts to cope with home-grown Islamic radicals… Read more »

Rated to protect

With the terrorist threat in the UK raised to “severe”, Mike Pickup considers the requirement for rapidly deployable security barriers to protect major events   When examining the challenges faced by security forces to protect venues, security officials could easily make the mistake of focusing solely on the event day itself; the significant increase of… Read more »

This IS cognitive warfare

The Islamic State (IS) group is making huge gains in the battle for hearts and minds. Lina Kolesnikova analyses their methods and calls for renewed efforts to counter their message   During the past five years we have witnessed an interesting phenomenon: local terrorist organisations make international headlines more and more often. Hundreds of independent… Read more »

Big trouble

As internal dissent continues to grow within China, John Chisholm analyses the threat from Uighur terrorists and the rising middle classes   China likes to portray itself as a Confucian society: orderly, deferential and internally coherent. But that vision is not, and never really has been, the case. Culturally, the Confucian-infused society may be more… Read more »

Inside cargo

The increased terror threat level has led many countries to re-evaluate how they screen large cargo passing through their borders. Richard Mastronardi weighs the various screening and inspection technologies available   With increased activity and renewed commitments by terrorist groups to undermine the values of developed nations, implementing a comprehensive security strategy is the top… Read more »

Deadly cargo

Paul Simpson describes how the latest radiation detection technology is being applied at ports to identify and intercept potentially deadly radiological cargo with minimal disruption There are a variety of threats and risks posed by the illegal presence of radiological and nuclear materials within the flow of commerce. These range from inadvertent risks, such as… Read more »

Digital forensics unlocked

With courts still failing to take advantage of mobile digital forensic evidence, Yuval Ben-Moshe argues legal systems must accommodate and embrace this data to successfully investigate and prosecute terrorists The use of mobile forensics has the potential to transform traditional methods of profiling criminal and terrorist offenders and build a comprehensive picture of suspects. By… Read more »

Countering budget cuts

Lina Kolesnikova looks at the global response to ISIS, and argues that cuts in spending on counter terrorism could leave us exposed to attack by returning fighters   On 15 September 2014 more than 30 countries, including ten Arab states, met in Paris and discussed the proposed US-led alliance to contain and combat the militants… Read more »