Posts By: Jacob Charles

Collaborative EOD

Chanan Levin discusses the latest challenges faced by EOD operatives working in urban areas, and calls for an international IED database to share research and experience   In recent years, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have become more widespread. As terrorist networks grow internationally, extremists from around the world turn to the Internet to learn how… Read more »

Ballooning surveillance

Timothy Compston finds out why aerostats are making their mark in the on-going battle to secure borders and critical infrastructure from a wide array of threats and to thwart drugs smugglers on land and sea   Although drones are very much in the news at the moment, aerostats are one family of aerial systems which… Read more »

Regional Threat Watch: Africa

Extremist groups proliferate Valerie Kong explores the threat posed by national and international extremist groups across Africa   Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) The resurgence of the al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) franchise and affiliated groups in the Sahel region will continue to be a threat, given opportunities emerging from deteriorating states in… Read more »

On the airwaves

Steve Pearson assesses the communications systems available to the emergency services during major incidents and asks whether they can provide effective command and control   At a recent meeting between this writer and Kevin Roberts, the Global CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi, he explained that, while he was at the Pentagon advising on how Brand… Read more »

Beyond dot tracking

Giles Peeters examines the developments in satellite tracking of high valued cargo through hostile environments, and highlights emerging capabilities which ensure far greater security   One of the most challenging elements of any first responder scenario is maintaining cargo security as it’s transported to and from an operation. Whether it’s keeping track of ISO containers… Read more »

La Haine

In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo killings, Anthony Tucker-Jones assesses the trend in Islamist attacks sparked by the media’s depiction of Islam     France’s latest terror attack ended in a blaze of gunfire and the deaths of Cherif and Said Kouachi at a print works in the small town of Dammartin-en-Goele. Prior to… Read more »

Integrating the perimeter

The integration of human, physical and electronic security measures across the CNI is gathering pace, argues Chris Plimley, driven by the rapid evolution of the terror threat, technology and user demands   I watched my wife doing our weekly food shop on her phone from the comfort of a coffee shop the other day and… Read more »

Proxy war

With clashes between eastern Ukrainian rebels and Ukrainian forces escalating in January, John Chisholm concedes the conflict is now a civil war, with the antagonists backed respectively by Russia and the West   The violence East Ukraine shows no signs of abating. Despite efforts at a negotiated ceasefire, agreements on the ground have proven impossible… Read more »

Freedom of speech

John Maher warns secure radio communication technology could offer a tactical edge to both responders and terrorists alike and calls for greater inter-agency interoperability   The Paris attacks on the Charlie Hebdo publication office in January 2015 is evidence of a new profile of terrorism, furthering the reality that, despite ongoing, aggressive intelligence gathering, terrorist… Read more »

You’ve got ­–deadly– mail

As security officials struggle to protect their facilities from mail-borne terrorist threats, Jason Wakefield discusses the screening options available and argues now is the time to upgrade your antiquated X-ray system   Before purchasing equipment that can detect suspect devices entering a building through the postal system, there are many variables that need to be… Read more »