Posts By: Jacob Charles

Stadium security shake up

Timothy Compston takes a closer look at stadium crowd management and security after what happened at the Stade de France in Paris From the various reports that have come out since that fateful November evening, it would appear that the fans at the Stade de France watching a friendly football game between France and Germany… Read more »

Daesh on the defensive

Anthony Tucker-Jones reports on a series of intelligence coups scored against terror group Islamic State Over the past few months terror group Islamic State or Daesh has suffered a series of very serious setbacks. Under military pressure its has lost ground in both Iraq and Syria, its revenue sources have been curtailed, its senior leadership… Read more »

Peering through the cloud

Shahaf Rozanski explains the importance of being able to access data housed in the cloud for gaining vital evidence of s suspect’s location and/or intentions  With there now being more mobile phones on the planet than people and smartphones set to achieve saturation in just 10 years, unlocking the data held on them has increasingly… Read more »

The strategic advantage of UAV technology

Dr David Abrutat explores how utilising Unmanned Aerial Vehicles can give military forces the edge “These British-designed unmanned aircraft will fly at the very edge of the earth’s atmosphere and allow us to observe our adversaries for weeks on end providing critical intelligence for our forces.” These words, conveyed by the British Prime Minister David… Read more »

Innovation drives hologram ID document protection

Dr Mark Deakes of the International Hologram Manufacturers Association (IHMA) explains how hologram technology is being harnessed in the fight against counterfeits Over the last 30 years, since they first appeared on UN passports, holograms have made rapid gains in ID anti-counterfeiting, moving initially from an authentication device to the protection of personal bio data… Read more »

National infrastructure depends on Standards

Stephen Munden considers the unique role that standards and assurance can play in securing CNI and other valuable assets In the context of security management, standards can identify critical components of the security management system, performance criteria and their relationship with other components. In other words, form, function and fit can be described within an… Read more »

Removing risk with remote disruption

Timothy Compston weighs-up the logic of deploying EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) robots or RCVs (Remotely Controlled Vehicles) in dangerous scenarios EOD robots have changed beyond all recognition since they were first deployed in environments like Northern Ireland during ‘the Troubles’ both in terms of the capabilities they offer and ability to deal with suspicious items… Read more »

Protecting public buildings from person-borne threats

Jonathan James examines unobtrusive ways to screen members of the public as they enter large public spaces to ensure maximum security In the light of recent tragic events in Paris and elsewhere, security professionals worldwide are facing an unprecedented broadening of requirements to screen people for concealed threat items. The evolving nature of the threat… Read more »

Sub-Saharan Risk Hotspot Outlook 2016

2016 Threat Watch Natznet Tesfay evaluates future threats that lie ahead for Africa Nigeria Highly destructive and disruptive pipeline attacks have resumed in the Niger Delta even as the decline in oil price continues to reduce falling Government revenue. The Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation was forced to shut refineries at Port Harcourt and Kaduna on… Read more »

Terrorist Groups in Africa

2016 Threat Watch Matthew Henman considers some of the biggest threats to African stability Boko Haram Jamaat Ahl al-Sunna li Dawa wal-Jihad, better known as Boko Haram, is a militant Islamist group fighting for the implementation of sharia (Islamic law) in Nigeria, and is primarily active in the Northern states of Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Kano,… Read more »