Tony Kingham explains how forward arming and refuelling points can help helicopters travel further How to deliver people and assets as far forward in an area of operation as is physically possible is a problem that has long occupied military planners, in what in military parlance is known as “force projection”. It is a cliché,… Read more »
Posts By: Jacob Charles
Verifying identity in the digital age
David Poole explores the changing face of ID verification and examines the importance of the PIN Identity and verification are two linked but subtly different concepts that in the advent of the digital age are changing and evolving to match the requirements of digital commerce. Verification is answering the question: “Is this person who they… Read more »
On alert and ready for action
Timothy Compston looks at how mass notification technologies are keeping people informed when the worst happens. When a terrorist attack strikes, or there is some sort of natural disaster, the ability to communicate in an effective and timely manner with those in harm’s way is a critical consideration. As we have seen with events in… Read more »
Middle Eastern meltdown
Anthony Tucker-Jones reports on the latest calamities facing Syria and Iraq, which has led to a growing clamour for greater international action Events in the Middle East by the end of 2016 were very much dominated by the war of the cities – most notably Aleppo in Syria and Mosul in Iraq. Both were the… Read more »
The increasing significance of radar
Mark Bown explains why Radar is becoming as important for port security as it is for navigation The need for greater, and more effective, security at ports and harbours across the world is increasing all the time. From smuggling to trafficking to a potential terrorist attack, the fundamental problem is how to detect an illegal… Read more »
Is Cruise Ship Security Plain Sailing?
Timothy Compston finds out more about the challenges involved in protecting today’s cruise ships. Cruise ships are the giants of the ocean with the largest examples towering 16 storeys and tipping the scales at a quarter of a million tonnes, four times the size of the new aircraft carriers on order for the Royal Navy…. Read more »
Blade Runner Biometrics
Anthony Tucker-Jones reports on the implications of US plans to extend biometric security measures to everyone entering and leaving the country by 2018 Ridley Scott’s ground breaking 1982 movie Blade Runner featured a biometric security system testing emotional response in order to unmask artificial humans. Called the Voight-Kampff machine it notably included a camera that… Read more »
Latin America Threatwatch: Terrorist groups and countries facing threat
IHS Country Risk considers some of the biggest threats facing countries in the area and the terror groups responsible Venezuela The main security threat in Venezuela is rising criminality. Domestic gangs operating in shanty towns known as Mega Bandas normally have around 50 members, and have emerged due to poor socio-economic conditions and a weak… Read more »
The evolution of Airport Security
Ian Todd focuses on the changing face of the modern airport and how improvements in security can minimise terrorist attacks This year marks the 15th anniversary of a terrible attack that shook the world and prompted an ongoing quest to make air travel safer. Since 11 September 2001 the US has spent upwards of $100… Read more »
Taking the fight to cyber criminals
Andrew Sheldon examines the challenge for providers of digital triage solutions and how they are helping to limit cyber crime The rise of cyber crime is, even in a climate of political upheaval and social realignment, still a headline grabber on a regular basis – and with the kind of statistics available, that’s hardly surprising…. Read more »