Posts By: Jacob Charles

Minimising inconvenience

Rainer Wartmann explains how millimeter wave scanners have revolutionised airport security A new range of security scanners introduced in 2014 helped millimeter wave technology achieve a breakthrough in aviation safety. The benefits, including significantly quicker security screening, have created a more comfortable world – even beyond airports.The history of aviation safety, at least in terms… Read more »

Biometric building blocks

Fredrik Martinsson explains how biological features hold the key to better security Technology has altered the way we live and work. At work it has offered flexibility, productivity and scalability for businesses everywhere, yet there are two sides to this coin. As the world becomes increasingly digitised, cyber criminals can target an increasing number of… Read more »

Anyone home?

Alexis Potter examines the best way to keep vacant properties secure Remote working has shaken up our world forever, creating an opportunity to convert office buildings for other purposes, such as homes to help tackle the UK’s ongoing housing crisis. A recent enquiry from the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Housing Market & Housing Delivery… Read more »

The digital battlefield

Tristan Wood examines whether or not your hybrid connectivity is ‘true’ and why it matter Like no other, the defence sector requires fail-safe connectivity. It continuously operates in diverse and challenging settings, where seconds matter and situational awareness is key. It is reliant upon failsafe and robust connectivity at all times to inform decision making…. Read more »

Have app will travel

Alan Bavosa highlights five cyber attacks developers need to know about when it comes to travel booking apps With the new year approaching, many are starting to give consideration to their holidays using booking apps such as Skyscanner to plan and book their getaways. According to TravelPerk, the use of these apps is growing rapidly… Read more »

Detect and reponse

Richard Ford reveals how businesses can beat budget constraints byinvesting in managed security The ongoing economic crisis is taking a profound toll on societies across the world. In its World Economic Outlook series, the International Monetary Fund has been hitting home some hard truths. While inflation has declined as central banks have raised interest rates,… Read more »

A matter of trust

Andrius Palionis reports on the cyber security threat to brand reputation A brand’s reputation is no longer defined only by the services or products it offers, but also by its online presence. With a plethora of touchpoints for gathering consumer data on the internet – from social media to blogs, websites and online marketplaces –… Read more »

Deadly attacks

Brian Michael Jenkins and Bruce R Butterworth examine why it is that developing nations face deadlier terrorism Terrorist attacks in developing countries are far more frequent and lethal than those in economically advanced countries such those in North America and Europe, and many reflect long-standing and often violent conflicts and insurgencies. Some of these attacks… Read more »

Fully committed?

Simon Alderson explains the importance of effective staff retention strategies in security firms From construction sites to stadiums, security is critical to keeping businesses and people safe. Retaining competent individuals in the security profession, on the other hand, can be a considerable difficulty. Despite an increasing need for security services in the post-pandemic era, some… Read more »

Safer cities

Debbie Heald reveals what authorities need to consider this year and beyond when it comes to busy cities and security measures With population density in the UK set to reach 35.1 million by year-end, this could lead to a rise in accidents, including vehicle collisions and, regrettably, crime. Additionally, the presence of a large number… Read more »