Posts By: Jacob Charles

The fight back against biological terrorism

James M Benecke explores how microbial forensics is being employed to route out the source of biological terrorist attacks Most people are familiar with the cases of anthrax letters being sent through the US postal system shortly after the attacks of 11 September 2001. The investigation into those letters was code named Amerithrax and consisted… Read more »

How illegal tobacco funds terror

Thomas Lesnak explores how the illicit trade in tobacco had been used by terrorist organisations and what can be done to stop it A March sting operation in Canada resulted in the arrest of 60 people connected to a vast North American smuggling ring and the seizure of more than 1,800 pounds of cocaine, 46… Read more »

Body-worn cameras

Olena Kaplan and Saverio Romeo explore the origins and rapid growth of body-worn cameras and how they can be used to give security forces the edge A number of high-profile and countless low-profile cases of public unrest involving the behaviour of citizens and the police have triggered discussions on how to improve relationships between communities… Read more »

Is your physical security cyber secure?

Simon Gawne discusses the need for security teams to expand their remit to include cyber defence as attackers increasingly target vulnerable connected security devices For as long as security has been a professional occupation, the aim of the security director has been to guard the perimeter, identifying and expelling the dangers that threaten the business…. Read more »

France on high alert

Timothy Compston considers why anti-terrorism measures have been tightened up for Euro 2016. With the high-profile UEFA Euro 2016 football tournament – the largest European sporting event this year – about to kick-off in 10 host cities across France, organisers will be hoping that the security measures being fielded are up to the task. Certainly… Read more »

What to do in the event of a security breach

Andrew Sheldon says that after a breach to first-line security it’s vital that you act quickly and smartly to minimise the outcome In matters affecting corporate finances and reputation, the role of cyber security in the prevention, detection and investigation of malfeasance is generally well understood. However, in a world where the ability of super-smart… Read more »

Covert comms in high-risk scenarios

Mikael Westerlund looks at the need for deep covert communications in the hunt for terror suspects hiding among migrants and asylum seekers From the shores of North Africa to landfall in Italy and Greece, the tragic scenes of migrants taking their lives in their hands in unseaworthy boats just to reach the relative safety of… Read more »

Predicting terror

Anthony Tucker-Jones talks to Neil Fretwell of Intelligent Software Solutions Global about the growing use of predictive software in counter terrorism ATJ: Is it fair to say that prediction software or predictive policing is now a key tool in the cyber battle against organised crime and terrorism? NF: Predictive software is still in its infancy,… Read more »

It’s not all guns and violence

Rupert Godesen suggests that a new approach is required for hostile environment training and that sometimes, it’s the simple things that can really make the difference There’s no doubt about it, hostile environment training is on the tip of everyone’s tongues these days. What was once the preserve of journalists, contractors working in oil and… Read more »

Protecting our artefacts

Tony Kingham explains what can be done to help to protect the contents of our galleries and museums from the threat of crime Museums and art galleries are the conservators of our cultural heritage and the guardians of our artistic and historical treasures. Whether it’s the great works that adorn the walls and spaces of… Read more »