Posts By: Jacob Charles

Canada’s security concerns

Timothy Compston reports on the security issues giving Canadian decision makers cause for concern Canada, whose cities tend to rank highly in global surveys of where people would like to live, has a well-deserved reputation as a peaceful, democratic and multi-cultural society. Consequently, it’s far from being the first country that comes to mind in… Read more »

Cyber insurance: Getting it right

Anamika Kumari examines the outlook for the evolution of the cyber insurance market The cyber insurance market is constantly evolving as a paradoxical segment where fear continues to drive custom, while conversely industry inefficiency ensures growth of the insurance industry. Whether large corporations or small-to-medium- sized enterprises, consumers understand the key importance of data that… Read more »

System down time

Jason Andersen explains the risks to an organisations’ assets during unexpected down time The constant threat of terrorist attacks and the increasingly sophisticated activities of organised criminal gangs has meant that more than ever it is crucial for security systems to be continuously available and effective. The consequential losses are often far greater than any… Read more »

The importance of two-way radio for security

James Miller explains why two-way radio remains the go-to communications tool for security professionals, and how the technology has evolved in the digital age Start up a conversation nowadays about security technology and talk is most likely to revolve around cyber security, RFIDs, satellite tracking, ultra HD video surveillance and so on. Little attention seems… Read more »

Security scanning made easy

Dr Sherif Sayed Ahmed explains how a combination of advances in millimetre-wave communication and machine-learning algorithms has enabled the development of a high-performance security scanner that can detect concealed threats quickly and accurately Air travellers expect airport security to be visible and effective in preventing attacks. Feeling safe is an important part of the customer… Read more »

Securing the un-securable

Chris Kemp and Chief Inspector Andrew B Brown explain the important considerations for security in the crowded space environment Many of those involved in the delivery of counter terrorism measures are aware of the different forms that a security threat to the public can take. Much work has been carried out on hostile vehicle mitigation… Read more »

Christmas rampage

Anthony Tucker-Jones assesses the European security implications in the wake of the Christmas Berlin terror attack Shoppers were enjoying the Christmas market in Breitscheidplatz, Berlin on 19 December 2016 oblivious to the passing traffic. Tragically they were also oblivious to a large Scania articulated lorry that mounted the pavement until the very moment it was… Read more »

The sky is not the limit

Neil Fretwell explores the growing number of different applications that unmanned aerial vehicles are now being used for A terrorist atrocity has just taken place in Central London. A vehicle-borne device has exploded in one of the busiest thoroughfares in the world. An effective search and rescue phase has been completed and the scene has… Read more »

On alert for state-sponsored hacking

Timothy Compston reports on the rise of state-driven cyber attacks The involvement of states in nefarious activities, from stealing intellectual property to identifying vulnerabilities on critical infrastructure – which may be useful to exploit in a future conflict – and influencing elections – is certainly exercising people’s minds right now. Of course, these sorts of… Read more »

Hostage recovery examined

Doctor Allan Orr considers the lessons that can be learned about rescuing hostages following events in the Lindt Café in Sydney ‘Breachers’ responsible for assaulting the Lindt Café in downtown Sydney – and thus prosecuting the first live-feed hostage rescue operation in a Western nation for a generation – employed 5.56mm military-grade assault rifles designed… Read more »