Posts By: Jacob Charles

Cyber security predictions for 2018

Brian Chappell outlines security considerations for the year ahead The bigger they are, the harder they fall If we think the headlines shocked us with Equifax, SEC, and NSA – we will very quickly discover that large organisations have poor cyber security hygiene, are not meeting regulations and are failing to enforce the policies they… Read more »

Hospital security check up

Andy Purvis reveals measures that are being taken to ensure that security remains in rude health It should be taken as a given that a hospital is a safe place. It is a place for healing, for refuge, for security. It is somewhere where you should feel comfortable. The staff are all experts in their… Read more »

Applications – Our digital servants

Dr Simon Wiseman examines potential security flaws behind apps that have designed to make our lives easier We use applications all the time, whether on the desktop, mobile or via the web. They handle our sensitive data and let us control critical operations, at home and at work. Applications are supposed to be our servants,… Read more »

Going Ballistic

Timothy Compston focuses on the soaring global security challenge posed by ballistic missiles. The recent series of missile launches by the North Korean regime of Kim Jong-un has certainly brought into sharp relief the issue of ballistic missiles and how to deal with them. Not only has a succession of North Korean tests upped the… Read more »

The Dark Side

Andrei Barysevich shines a light on the dark web and how it can be used to stop malware attacks before they happen Anything related to hacking and cyber crime has always had a tendency to fall victim to exaggeration and mischaracterisation in the media and popular consciousness. One of the most recent examples is the… Read more »

Securing Infrastucture in 2030

Botan Osman looks into his crystal ball as he explores the evolution of technology for the future Looking ahead to the year 2030 and even beyond, in terms of advances in technology and securing our infrastructure, leads us to ask several additional questions; what might our infrastructure look like by 2030? How exactly will technology… Read more »

Faking It

David Spreadborough explains why it’s time to get real about fake imagery Faking it It was time for a garden makeover this summer. To assist in the design process, I took a few photographs on my smartphone and then, with a few simple clicks and edits, the garden was transformed. Happy with what the outcome… Read more »

Lines of Communication

Elsbeth Heinzelmann reports on how researchers in Berne are attempting to cripple the use of mobile phones in prisons These days, if a prison does not radically stamp out mobile phones, it incurs excessive levels of risk, as drug barons and mafia bosses organise their criminal activities conveniently from the comfort of their prison cells…. Read more »

Safer Cities

Iain Moran examines what can be done to keep the public safe from vehicle attacks in our cities Over the past two years, Europe has experienced a series of shocking terrorist attacks. Back in 2016, Nice suffered a horrific attack that saw a lorry drive into crowds watching the Bastille Day firework display. Later that… Read more »

Cyber Security Basics

Richard Kennedy explains the simple steps you should be following to keep your organisation secure UK SMEs have been found to be negligent in their approach to IT management, placing cyber security at risk according to a recent report by Xperience Group. The study found that 70 percent of those surveyed felt that there was… Read more »