Posts By: Jacob Charles

Privilegded access management

Dave Adamson reports on security from within and what’s required to take the next great cyber-security step  In today’s age of technology pervasion, news headlines are rife with stories of data breaches, the actions of opportunistic cyber criminals and the financial implications of poor security hygiene. The threat landscape is constantly getting wider and the… Read more »

Festival security

Simon Houlton investigates whether or not enough is being done to keep revellers safe The music festival season is in full swing. People of all ages and backgrounds are losing themselves and dancing away to their favourite acts, part of an alcohol-fuelled crowd. As organisers juggle putting on a good show while ensuring the audience… Read more »

Integrated security

Ian Robinson thinks we’ve been talking for too long about integrating security and that it’s now time to implement it There was a definite shift at this year’s IFSEC event, moving from purely physical-based security to an integrated event, incorporating the latest in cyber defence technologies and showcasing how digital and physical security can be… Read more »

Security matters

Philip Ingram MBE outlines the importance of keeping up with the changing face of security We have been lucky in 2018 after the terror that tore across Europe and the UK in 2016-2017 with vehicle, knife and bomb attacks happening in Nice, London Bridge, Westminster, Manchester and Barcelona. These are just a few of the… Read more »

The big screen

Tony Tielen reports on how people screening demands are diversifying As increasing threats from terrorism and drug trafficking permeate society, the demand for people screening is growing and already covers not only transport hubs, but also any secure facility or areas where large numbers of people congregate – for example, government buildings, sports arenas, power… Read more »

Aviation terrorism

Mark Brace examines the increasing use of on-board improvised explosive devices on commercial flights Aviation continues to be a high-impact, media-spectacular target for terrorist groups globally. While a range of methods have been employed by such groups – from firearms attacks at airports, through hijacking and using the aircraft itself as a weapon, to surface-to-air… Read more »

Women in cyber security

Ruth Massie explores the shortage of women in this growing area and examines what can be done about the shortfall Take a group of 10 people working in the cyber security industry globally, and you’ll find that only one of them will be a woman. The 2017 Frost & Sullivan report, Women in Cybersecurity, goes… Read more »

Access denied

Pia Hantoft explains why access control is the fastest growing sector in physical security Access control has, for the second year running, been the fastest growing sector in the physical security industry, with an increase of around 5 percent compared with 2016. Access control now accounts for 24 percent of the total market. The technology,… Read more »

Finding a balance

Keiron Dalton discusses the existing vulnerabilities in 4G mobile infrastructure and the way forward for customer authentication Many of us have become highly reliant on mobile banking by now as a means of managing our finances both quickly and efficiently, which is why we feel so anxious when a story about a security vulnerability hits… Read more »

Dealing with the malware threat

Daniel Driver explores the growing threat of malware and what can be done to fight back In reality, the biggest security threat that most organisations are exposed to exists within their own network. Social Engineering is a growing method for hackers who want to break into networks, and endpoint security cannot identify if an authorised… Read more »