Posts By: Jacob Charles

Safetyflex wins in Australia

Leading British manufacturer of innovative anti-terrorism measures is recognised by the Australian security industry Safetyflex Barriers, a world leader in hostile vehicle mitigation crash-rated bollards and crash fences, has received the ‘Product of the Year’ award at the Australian Security Industry Awards for its innovative 9-40 Truckstopper Bollard. The company is now the leading anti-terrorist… Read more »

Challenges to corporate security

Richard J Chasdi, Ph.D. explores the potential consequences of intensive globalisation and political threat for terrorist organisations Terrorist threat to business interests is not new; the murders by the Baader Meinhof gang of German industrialist Hans Martin Schyler in 1977 and Alfred Herrhauseen, Deutsche Bank Chairman in 1989 and the kidnapping of Doctor Rudolf Cordes… Read more »

Going solo

Don Cameron explains how lone worker solutions have the potential to save taxpayers as much as £60 million a year Lone working has become common practice in the UK, with an estimated 8 million lone workers performing tasks away from colleagues and close or direct supervision (BSIA). As the legal responsibility for protecting employees tightens… Read more »

Blast and ballistic protection

Steve Moody says its time to take advantage of new developments to protect and prevent security threats from terrorists around the world The sheer pace of change in the security industry has arguably never been as rampant as it is today. Digital innovation and the availability of sophisticated technology off the shelf has meant that… Read more »

Watching brief

Ola Lennartsson examines why the cyber security of network cameras is becoming a growing concern and measures that can be taken to protect your system The increasing availability and adoption of connected devices offers many possibilities for the security industry. Network cameras not only collect footage, but also analyse what they see and send instructions… Read more »

Screening for vehicles

Colin Williams explores how the mirror on a stick of old has been superseded by more effective ways to keep key facilities safe The fast, efficient, effective checking of the underside of vehicles is a requirement at many different sites, as part of the general screening process. These include sea port, airport and border installations,… Read more »

Stadium security

Simon Houlton explains the importance of ensuring your security team is up to the job, regardless of whether it’s for a pop concert or a football match Saturday 10 March 2018, The Olympic Stadium, West Ham United hosted Burnley in a Premier League match which sparked controversy and protest. Fans of the home side ran… Read more »

Extending an asset’s lifecycle

Rodney Lee explains how to breath new life into old military equipment and how organisations can keep life extension projects on schedule, within budget and meeting strict safety requirements. There is an increasing trend in military organisations to extend the lifecycle of aircraft and other equipment. Witness the US military extending the lifecycle of the… Read more »

Body worn cameras

Richie McBride explains how integrating video management systems with body worn cameras can give the advantage back to security personnel CCTV has long been relied upon for on-site security and is utilised to keep surveillance and monitoring at any location. However, limitations do exist as static CCTV cameras can only monitor a limited area, often… Read more »

Holistic security protocol

Douglas Miorandi highlights the importance of pairing physical security with cyber security to protect data from all types of attacks Edward Snowden’s name entered the cultural lexicon in 2013, after he leaked thousands of classified National Security Agency documents to journalists. He’s been variously called a traitor, a patriot, a revolutionary, a dissident and a… Read more »