Posts By: Jacob Charles

Who can you trust?

Ian Glover explains why more firms are turning to penetration testing to check their defences and why you wouldn’t want just anyone trying to break into your company In the last few years, we have experienced cyber crime on a scale never seen before. In May 2017, WannaCry and Petya became national news and marked… Read more »

Protecting stadiums

Owen Miles examines the important role that critical communications play in stadium security The Super Bowl, which this year took place at the 72,000-seater Mercedes-Benz Stadium in the City of Atlanta, is one of the biggest spectator events in the world. Not only do fans crowd into the stadium but at this year’s match, City… Read more »

Integrated security

Steve Moody explains how entrance security solutions can be an effective deterrent with the right approach and processes to back them up Traditionally, entrance security solutions have been the reserve of major arenas, airports or offices/organisations that are considered prime targets for terrorists or criminals. However, the threat has changed. Terror attacks are no longer… Read more »

Camera to court

David Spreadborough examines the many challenges of evidential video and reveals necessary improvements If you ask anyone about forensic evidence, the majority will probably talk about fingerprints and DNA. The years of crime dramas and news reports have instilled an understanding of what forensic relates to, and what evidence is. The minority may suggest computer… Read more »

Keeping the lights on

Ilan Barda reveals the cyber threat being posed to critical national infrastructure across the globe Last year, Ciaran Martin, the head of the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre, said the country had been fortunate to avoid a category one attack, broadly defined as one that might cripple infrastructure such as energy supplies and the financial… Read more »

Stay one step ahead

Marie Clutterbuck reveals why business is the new target for cyber criminals and explains what can be done to limit the threat Ransomware groups like Wannacry, Petya and SamSam dominated headlines back in 2017 as they plagued businesses and consumers alike. Two years later, hackers are now less bothered about developing tools to reach the… Read more »

US border security

Timothy Compston shines a spotlight on the measures being deployed in the air and on the ground to secure the US/Mexico border With President Trump’s campaign promise to “build a wall”, and issuing a Presidential Memorandum directing the US Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense to address national security threats along the… Read more »

Held to ransom

Dr Anja Shortland reports on how kidnap insurance underpins the global economy Kidnap for ransom poses some very interesting questions. For example, how do foreign companies and NGOs safeguard their employees from kidnapping in countries where abductions are common and expatriate workers are attractive targets? How do they fulfil their duty of care to kidnapped… Read more »

Watching brief

Paolo Zucconi examines Iran’s missile programme and wonders just how concerned we should be about its nuclear capabilities On 13-14 February, the Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East took place in Warsaw. This United States-sponsored Middle East peace conference was considered by the US Secretary of State, Mike… Read more »

Crisis management

Imad Mouline reports on the benefits of a consolidated view in an emergency for ports around the world Businesses are under attack both literally and figuratively – whether it’s man made events, natural disasters, supply chain disruptions, IT incidents or any other form of critical event. Today, many companies address both concerns within different departments… Read more »