Posts By: Jacob Charles

Oil strikes

Timothy Compston considers the ramifications of the devastating drone and cruise missile attacks on the Saudi oil infrastructure T he vulnerability of large-scale critical infrastructure sites like oil refineries to drones, when they are deployed as weapons of war by rebel groups, terrorists, and state actors, was brought into sharp relief on 14 September when… Read more »

Vehicle inspection

Amir and Ohad Hever explain the technologies involved; what they are, how they help and what the future holds Vehicle inspections pose a distinct set of challenges for security professionals as they contend with greater demands for accuracy and efficiency in ensuring that security is maintained without causing major impacts to the operations of their… Read more »

Smart building security

Mirel Sehic discusses what can be done to plug the gaps in smart building cyber security Pervasive connectivity is improving our built environment; technologies such as edge and cloud computing, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and artificial intelligence (AI) are driving exponential change. As a result, we are living and working in smarter, more proactive, service-driven environments,… Read more »

Anonymised security

Neil Huntingdon explores the growing disharmony between data protection and mass surveillance and the role technology can play in balancing public demand for privacy and security. If you’ve picked up a paper or watched the news even once in recent weeks, it’s likely you’ll have come across at least one of a stream of headlines… Read more »

Data protection

Daniel Markuson examines why governmental institutions around the world continue to fail to protect their citizens’ data More and more governments around the world see data encryption as an obstacle that prevents them from fighting criminal activities. For example, the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have been asking big technology companies to build… Read more »

The weakest link

John Higginson explains why you need to start thinking about supply chain cyber security and looks at the growth of Business Email Compromise Although your businesses will already have put in place measures to increase protection from growing cyber security risks, the next step is to think about your supply chain and whether the organisations… Read more »

Time to invest

Spencer Young examines the importance of convincing the board to invest in cyber security before it’s too late Even if you weren’t glued to HBO’s chilling Chernobyl mini series, you’ll probably know the rough outline of the worst nuclear disaster in history. A poorly planned ‘safety’ test revealed, in the most catastrophic way imaginable, the… Read more »

Space wars

Timothy Compston looks to the heavens to see how geopolitical rivalries on Earth are leading to rising tensions in space With France announcing a new space force – including plans to launch satellites equipped with lasers and guns by 2030; President Trump looking to ramp-up the US military’s space capabilities and countries like China, Russia… Read more »

Red alert

Javier Colado explains why as national safety risks rise, public alerting becomes more urgent In the corporate sector, organisations take their duty of care to their employees seriously. It is important to them that safety procedures are in place to protect staff, even though duty of care is not an actual legal obligation. What is… Read more »

Protection from the skies

Drone Guard reveals what can be done to keep our skies safe as the number of drones is expected to reach 100-million by 2020 Since their appearance in the late 2000s multi-rotor drones have taken the world by surprise. Unlike unmanned aerial systems (UAS) pursued by the world’s military forces under military research, development and… Read more »