Posts By: Jacob Charles

GDPR two years on

Reza Nezam reflects on the changes brought about by the General Data Protection Regulations and reveals there is still much work to be done It has been two years since GDPR was introduced in the UK and the EU to give people more control over their personal data and how it is used. Any company… Read more »

A deep look into body armour

Thomas Bowman examines the different options available when it comes to body armour and reveals a multitude of solutions There is an old saying in the world of combat that says: ‘Defence is the best offense’. And nothing better epitomises this more than body armour. We’ve come on leaps and bounds since the days of… Read more »

Time to go electric?

Jeff Pike explains the immediate benefits and logistical support implications of electrification on the battlefield When walking the floor at the Defence and Security Equipment International arms fair last year, I was struck by the volume of conversation around introducing electricity as a power source into the battlefield – perhaps not so surprising with environmental… Read more »

Multi-layered protection

Iain Moran explains why security needs to remain a key priority for the air travel industry It has been a turbulent few weeks for the air travel industry. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has caused demand for flights to collapse suddenly, leading to the widespread cancellation of flights on certain routes, and airlines being forced… Read more »

Source of the problem

Mike Seed examines the best way to trace drug trafficking routes back to their original location Drug trafficking affects many countries around the world, undermines political and economic stability, damages communities and ruins the lives of individuals, with some 35-million people suffering from drug use disorders. It is also a major source of revenue for… Read more »

Identify yourself

Stephen Ufford reveals how issues such as fake news and state-sponsored meddling in elections has made digital identity the key to the continued success of democracy With the election season ramping up in the US, American citizens have been bombarded with warnings that the process might be hacked by adversaries from overseas or extremists at… Read more »

Rise of the lone wolf

Mark Brace looks at the rise of the solo actor terrorist attack on airports and wonders what can be done to fight back Metrojet. 9/11. The transatlantic flight liquid explosives plot. The Underwear Bomber. All well-planned attacks. Some sophisticated, some crude, mostly effective and – in different ways – they changed aviation security. All were… Read more »

Staying on track

Javier Colado discusses the importance of keeping commuters informed in the event of a security incident Travelling by rail is one of the safest and most popular forms of transport, with train journeys doubling over the last 20 years while other transport modes have declined in popularity. Rail now accounts for almost 2-billion journeys annually… Read more »

Be Prepared

Rupert Godesen highlights the importance of undergoing appropriate training before entering potentially hostile enviroments A few weeks ago, I was dropping my son off at school. He is currently obsessed with dinosaurs and would not leave the house without his Allosaurus, so along he came for the short buggy ride. The teacher at the gate… Read more »

Spotlight on Iran

Timothy Compston weighs up the security ramifications of the death of General Soleimani and Iran’s response Even before the killing of General Soleimani in a drone strike, relations between the West – most notably the US – and Iran were turbulent. In fact the seeds of animosity were sown more than four decades earlier with… Read more »