Posts By: Jacob Charles

Combatting threat

Paul Hicks examines what can be done to protect airports from drones as well as revealing measures that can be actioned to prevent misuse Coronavirus aside, at this time of year airports would otherwise be relied upon by thousands of domestic and international passengers every day. In 2019, some of the UK’s biggest such as… Read more »

Playing catch up

Simon Hall explains why digital policing cannot be delivered until police procurement is properly sorted Community policing has changed a lot over the years. Frontline officers have effectively become the front-end of the broad range of social services available to the community. This puts tremendous strain and pressure on officers, often putting them in situations… Read more »

The weakest link?

Arun Chauhan discusses the ‘human element’ of cybersecurity and explores how you can avoid falling victim to cyber fraud. Fraud can occur in many forms within a business – from cyberattacks by third parties to misappropriation of funds by those within your business. Whatever the type of fraud, often during an investigation, it is lapses… Read more »

Time to switch

Luke Harley examines the advantages in making the move to IP: the evolution of video surveillance In today’s increasingly uncertain world, video surveillance has become essential to monitor security threats, deter theft and protect our homes, workplaces and more. The global video surveillance market is expanding so fast that according to a study carried out… Read more »

Facing the future

Timothy Compston considers where facial recognition is heading. When it comes to biometrics for security there is little doubt that facial recognition is now at the forefront of ‘frictionless’ ways to authenticate the identity of individuals or to identify potential security threats. The speed of change here is breath-taking with a new report from The… Read more »

Defence logistics

Graham Grose considers three developments that will shape the strategy of military forces, original equipment manufacturers and in-service support providers in 2020 In a setting where even gaining the smallest advantage can be the difference between mission success and failure, standing still has never been an option for military organisations and defence in-service support providers… Read more »

Preparing for a crisis

Gavin Wilson M.Sc underlines the importance of having pre-defined emergency and business continuity plans in the event of a crisis Explanations of crisis can often differ, although the meaning usually remains the same. A good definition that seems to have been quoted many times is suggested by Rosenthal et al (1989) as “A serious threat… Read more »

Source of the problem

Jeremy Praud explains why tightened staff screening is vital to protect UK supply chains The Coronavirus pandemic has put the food industry under huge pressure to keep the shelves stocked during this global emergency, and the experience has brought home the tacit importance of the food supply chain. This should bring into sharp relief another… Read more »

Digital documents

Ian Lancaster considers the need for caution when it comes to the digital document revolution Arevolution is underway in the secured document field. Society is migrating from using physical secured documents, such as bank notes and identity cards, to the use of smartphones and electronic payment cards for financial transactions and as carriers of our… Read more »

A safe harbour

Colin Tankard explains how encryption has become the building block for data security Encryption, whereby information is converted from a readable format into one that obscures its meaning from those without the authorisation or ability to decipher it, has long been used to protect sensitive information from prying eyes. Ever since the end of the… Read more »