Posts By: Jacob Charles

The cyber pandemic

Etay Moor reports on the importance of defending against the advanced threat actors profiting from COVID-19 Troubled times have always created opportunities for threat actors, from common criminals to state-sponsored APT groups. With few events in living memory rivalling the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is no surprise that cyber criminals have been out… Read more »

Optimising data security

Glenn Warwick weighs up whether an apparent obsession with compliance in the UK is having a positive or negative impact on cyber security With ever-increasing legislation governing business operations, it’s clear that organisations are shifting focus to fall in line with these standards. Ensuring compliance is no longer a ‘nice to have’, instead it’s essential… Read more »

Democracy in peril

Thomas Richards reports on the potential security issues that could throw the upcoming US Election into chaos In a matter of hours, the world will watch with great anticipation as millions of US citizens assemble at the polls once again – or at least figuratively. The US electoral system, already riddled with complexities, has had… Read more »

Effective government intervention

Col (Ret.) Dakar Eilat reveals the importance of effective government intervention in times of crisis The Coronavirus pandemic has challenged governments to act quickly to protect first the public health and the economy from devastation. With no clear precedent to follow, many leaders have worked to prevent a medical crisis facing them however they aggravated… Read more »

The X-factor

Vincent Deery of 3DX-Ray talks about the versatility and applications of portable x-ray scanners Flat panel portable x-ray scanners long ago established their value as an essential tool for any bomb disposal team and are widely employed in EOD roles throughout the world. Their mobility, accuracy and speed of use gives EOD operators the ability… Read more »

Numbers game

Soraya Heristchian explains why automatic number-plate recognition is here for the long-haul When automatic number-plate recognition (ANPR) was invented in 1976 by the UK’s Police Scientific Development Branch, few could have predicted that it would still be so vital more than four decades later. Since then, it has become essential for policing, security and more… Read more »

Supply and demand

Ilan Barda reveals how organisations can stop cyber attackers exploiting weaker supply chains to breach higher value and better protected targets Many critical environments within energy, water and petrochemical are proud of their air-gapped approach to cyber security. However, at an organisational level there is often a lot more accessibility than is assumed. Over the… Read more »

Data protection

Rachel Roumeliotis explores the implications of living in an isolationist world and what it does to our data privacy We live in the age of data. We are constantly producing it, analysing it, figuring out how to store and protect it and, hopefully, using it to refine business practices and better understand the markets and customers we work… Read more »

Digitising industry

Grant Geyer examines the difficulties involved in balancing the risks and rewards of the digital enterprise Digital transformation has enabled tremendous competitive advantages for the modern enterprise, and not surprisingly has come to dominate the business agenda in recent years. IDC estimates that $2.3-trillion will be spent globally on digitalisation projects in the next four… Read more »

Optimising data security

Andrea Babbs reveals the steps businesses need to take to reinforce their security to protect customers, employees and the business itself With the number of cyber attacks and attempted data thefts increasing year on year, IT security should be one of the top priorities for all types of businesses – particularly during the current global… Read more »