Posts By: Jacob Charles

Face facts

Tim Noest explains how facial recognition technology has finally come of age After several false dawns, facial recognition technology is finally ready for widespread, scalable deployment across a broad range of scenarios, including the challenges raised by COVID-19 face covering requirements.While facial recognition may feel like a relatively recent development, it has actually been around… Read more »

Identify yourself

Dr Clive Summerfield reports on the importance of securing customer services and facilitating online education Before the internet, most customer service was delivered face to face. You went to the store and spoke to the shopkeeper one-on-one. Yes, for high-risk transactions such as banking and high-value credit card payments you needed to sign to authorise… Read more »

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Carl Trotzig, explores what can be done to ensure a sustainable future for the security industry Recent events, global uncertainty and heightened scrutiny has caused many organisations to examine their core values, bringing sustainable practices to the top of the priority list. Alongside conversations about ways of working and health and safety procedures, companies are… Read more »

Unknown territory

Carolyn Crandall explains what CISOs can do to stay ahead of the game when it comes to cyber security Cybersecurity has traditionally been a discipline of prevention. Like sentries charged with defending their castle, a chief information security officer (CISO) will deploy the best possible defensive measures to protect against cyber attackers. The castle has… Read more »

Growing use of holograms

Dr Paul Dunn explains how innovation hastens closer digital interaction of security and brand protection holographic devices Innovative developments in materials and advanced processes, together with a desire to seek out new applications, ensure commercial holography continues to feature in the frontline fight against counterfeiting, identity theft and brand piracy. Indeed, it’s the technology’s capacity… Read more »

AI and the US election

Christopher Thissen considers the part that artificial intelligence played in the recent race for the Presidency This Presidential election campaign has seen myriad stories and comments published online by supporters on both sides looking to influence voters. While many were written by humans, an increasing number were generated by AI. Advances in machine learning mean… Read more »

The pandemic’s impact on defence

Matt Medley explains how the military has found the pandemic instrumental in bringing about efficient digital change Military organisations have responded to the global pandemic by cutting back on bureaucratic processes and investing more in technology to ensure that operations can continue while implementing social distance guidelines. Technology has helped organise military personnel across various… Read more »

Going solo

Craig Swallow on the challenge of managing the safety of lone workers Within any organisation, the responsibility to protect employee safety and well-being should be a given, but there are cost and productivity benefits to be realised, too. Many different types of workers will become more productive and value their employer more if improvements to… Read more »

Covid – a complex catalyst

Justin Crump highlights several knock-on effects of the global pandemic that organisations need to be ready to respond to It is a common observation that it is not the first crisis that breaks organisations, but rather the second one that provides the biggest challenge. This is a timely thought for companies already struggling to deal… Read more »

Power play

Sanjay Chhillar, Dale Geach and Chaitanya Bisale examine electrical grid modernisation and emerging cyber risks Traditional grids involving electromechanical technologies to manage predictable and unidirectional flow of electricity from big power plants to consumers have been reliable for many decades with investment in resilience focused towards large items of plant. Today, with power flows becoming… Read more »