Posts By: Jacob Charles

Data management

Travis Lee indexes the latest trends in data security Thanks to rapid developments in storage and cloud technology, it has never been easier for organisations to collect, create and store data. The amount of data in the world has continued to grow exponentially for some time, and research from IDC predicts that approximately 50 zettabytes… Read more »

Ready to roll

Matt Medley reveals factors not to miss on the march towards Total Asset Readiness The US Department of Defense defines operational readiness as “the capability of a unit/formation, ship, weapon system, or equipment to perform the missions or functions for which it is organised or designed.” While Total Asset Readiness can sound simple phrase, actually… Read more »

Power play

Paul D Turner reveals why securing the unprotected power line network remains a vital security challenge for the year ahead The start of a new year often means reflecting on the past and year, perhaps more than usual given the global pandemic. As 2021 begins, I have found myself pondering a question asked by one… Read more »

Safe and sound

Peter Jackson reports on the importance of designing for security and assurance in places of worship Religious premises across the UK suffered an average of 13 crimes a day between July 2019 and July 2020, according to police figures collected by the Countryside Alliance. In that time, well over 5,000 crimes were committed in places… Read more »

Stemming the flow

Andy Gent examines the problem with illicit mobile phones in prisons and reveals a potential solution Contraband mobile phones have long been a security and public safety concern in prison and detention facilities around the world. While some prisoners may use these mobile devices for communicating with loved ones, others use them to continue their… Read more »

Candid camera

Richie McBride explains how frontline retail workers can feel protected thanks to body-worn cameras The retail sector is the largest private sector employer in the UK with almost three million workers, but prior to Covid-19 few appreciated the service they were providing. Retail workers are now being recognised as true frontline key workers, and continue… Read more »

Real-time threats

Emily Heath reveals why your organisation is underestimating the cybersecurity challenge Cybersecurity threats are nothing new. Every year, it seems industry experts warn it is time to take security more seriously. For the most part, organisations have responded to those warnings. Once solely managed by IT, cybersecurity is now a C-level concern that is central… Read more »

Mind the gap

Charaka Goonatilake considers the importance of bridging the divide between GRC and cyber Complexity so often breeds uncertainty, and so it is with highly complex IT infrastructures and how they are used and secured. GRC (governance, risk and compliance) teams need answers to manage risk and assure compliance. Answers are invariably found, but seldom quickly,… Read more »

Sniffing out trouble

Mark Rutherford reports on the growing importance of explosives detection dogs in airport security We tend to assume that technological advancement is always the way forward; just the thing to keep us happier, healthier and safer. When considering the aviation security space, are advancements in scanning tech, facial recognition software and the wider internet of… Read more »

Smart skies

Matthew Borie investigates the growing Importance of AI in aviation security The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), principally machine-learning techniques, has grown exponentially over the last decade and it now touches almost every part of our lives. In every sector of every industry, businesses are constantly searching for new ways to improve efficiency and scalability… Read more »