Posts By: Jacob Charles

Knowledge is power

Chuck O’Leary reveals the importance of training when it comes to access control systems The world of security is changing rapidly and it might be difficult for those who are brand new to this industry to know where to start and how to navigate these changes. For those interested in strengthening and streamlining their security… Read more »

Come together

Lucas Young examines the importance of managing security risks with partnerships and reveals how customers and manufacturers can cooperate Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) operators face the perennial challenge of developing and managing a security strategy in a complex and ever-changing landscape. Security managers have to consider both current needs while ensuring an operational capability to… Read more »

All change

Georges Tannous reports on the changing face of physical security Pandemic-related economic factors are likely to continue to present challenges across many industries in 2021. While the global pandemic has certainly taken the world by surprise, the security industry excels at planning for the unexpected and is resourceful in times of crisis. However, at a time when budgets are tight, many businesses,… Read more »

Security and public trust

Dr Frens Kroeger on why national security depends on solving the public trust crisis The UK government needs to get a handle on the crisis of public trust it is facing – and fast. Otherwise we will be increasingly likely to face the challenges of deepening polarisation and home-grown terrorism.Trust is an indispensable ingredient to… Read more »

A new hope

Arnab Basu considers ways in which ARIA will benefit the UK – and what makes it distinctive Britain needs to be “match-fit for a more competitive world” said Boris Johnson following publication of the Integrated Review of Security, Defence Development and Foreign Policy in March. The country had to be willing to change its approach… Read more »

A layered security approach

Tony Kingham discusses the role of low dosage Through Body X-Ray Scanners in airports, prisons, VIP Protection, government and commercial security Bad actors, whether they are terrorists, drug traffickers, smugglers or thieves, always have one advantage and that is, surprise. They can choose the time, the place and modus operandi for their nefarious activity, which… Read more »

GDPR: Three years on

Nicola Howell explains why the General Data Protection Regulations are more important in 2021 than ever GDPR. Four letters that send shivers down the spine of businesses large and small. While 2018 feels like an age ago, the scramble to prepare for the General Data Protection Regulations feels like yesterday. The new processes, the HR… Read more »

Moving forward

Simon Hall reports on the dawning of a new era in frontline police technology In the past few years, the approaches to delivering front line software have changed with blistering speed. Systems that were state of the art just two to three years ago now lack the required flexibility moving forward. The demands arising from… Read more »

Cultural shift

Helen Dudfield explains the growing need to build a defence from a solid foundation of training The democratisation of technology has made it possible for society to navigate seismic shocks like those seen by the pandemic, but for those in defence, it presents new challenges in the form of the rise of asymmetric – or grey… Read more »

Minimising risk

Andrea Sorri reports on the importance of tackling cybersecurity risks in smart cities Many organisations around the globe have security cameras installed to increase safety, security and often also efficiency of processes. From schools to hospitals to businesses and more, surveillance cameras are monitoring people, buildings, and public spaces. Unfortunately, network-connected surveillance cameras have become… Read more »