Posts By: Jacob Charles

Organisational risk

Amy Hodler outlines suggestions on how your security team can calculate exposure and protect against cyber attacks When we look at reining in and limiting nefarious activity on organisational networks, it helps to think like a criminal. Criminals look for vulnerabilities. They think in ‘graphs,’ while the organisations they target usually think in lists, combating… Read more »

Grand designs

Iain Moran explains why it’s important to balancing aesthetics and security in urban design Public awareness of security issues in the UK has undoubtedly risen in recent years, following a number of high-profile terror incidents starting with the July 2005 suicide attacks in London.However, despite the terror threat in the UK remaining ‘substantial’ more than… Read more »

Face time

Sanjay Gupta on biometrics: the changing face of facial recognition technology From facial recognition scans that unlock our smartphones to medical wearables monitoring our heart rates, biometrics technologies have become a near inescapable part of our daily lives.For those who’ll be lucky enough to travel in the coming years, biometric screenings and contactless travel experiences… Read more »

The New Normal

Neil Killick reports on how smart technology can be used to promote safety and security in post-pandemic cities Since 1950, the percentage of the population living in cities and urban areas has risen by 90 percent and by 2050 this is expected to rise to an additional 2.5-billion. Rapid urbanisation does not come without its… Read more »

Security risk management

Alan Cain explains what healthcare and higher education security risk managers and emergency planners can learn from each other For the first time in his adult working life, Alan Cain contemplates not having the word ‘security’ anywhere in his job title. His focus, now that he is working in the healthcare sector, is completely on… Read more »

Proactive protection

Martin Riley reveals why it’s vital to put security at the forefrontof digital transformation It’s no secret that COVID-19 has had a huge impact on digital transformation. Many companies have been forced to accelerate their transformation efforts and have invested more in new technologies over the past year than they may have the previous five…. Read more »

Lines of communication

Tim Williams reveals how the PACE method delivers assured communications in the battlefield For any operation, the implementation of Command and Control (C2) communications is a complex and essential activity that requires in depth planning to overcome many complexities. The task is further exacerbated by the deployment of forces in a region where the quality… Read more »

Face facts

Tony Porter explains how Facial Recognition Technology can support post-COVID recovery As many industries across the globe enter a period of recovery, technology remains central to helping us scale and evolve. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in particular has supported a number of enterprises, with 77 percent of organisations stating that the technology has played a role… Read more »

In the dark

Matt Medley highlights the crucial role of supporting software to facilitate critical information exchange, aggregation and synchronisation As military operations across land, air and sea become increasingly distributed, keeping an up-to-date view of equipment status requires a robust digital backbone. This backbone has certainly grown over the last 12 months, as more organisations progress on… Read more »

Where next for Iran?

Jason M Brodsky reports on the search for the successor to Mohsen Fakhrizadeh The assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in November 2020 resulted in much handwringing over how Iran will respond. Less discussed is how his death sparked a renewed round of factional and institutional infighting over his legacy and the future of the intellectual wealth… Read more »