Posts By: Jacob Charles

Student safety

Alex Holmström reports on the future of school security: cloud-based access control Access to safe education is a vital part of life and one of society’s most basic needs. Since the lives of so many people rely upon school buildings, maintaining security in facilities is of the utmost importance to staff, students and parents. Sadly,… Read more »

Keep them out

Peter Jackson reports on the importance of organising durable solutions to refine the security of transport infrastructure Now that Covid restrictions have largely been lifted, pressure on road networks and public transport has increased again, causing Government officials to rethink development strategies for our transport infrastructure. Back in March 2021, the Build Back Better: Our… Read more »

The next normal

David Cummins reveals the many threats that lay ahead in the new frontier for cybersecurity The COVID-19 pandemic affected every aspect of society, touching our personal and professional lives in ways few had seen before. As employers and employees were forced into their homes for months on end, communicating from behind closed doors and over… Read more »

Digital trust

Michael Bonaventura explains why digital fraud is on theincrease and what can be done to prevent it It’s a sobering thought that spending on eCommerce sites in 2021 will be around $5 trillion. More broadly, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the intergovernmental organisation tasked with developing policies to combat money laundering, estimates 60 percent… Read more »

The rise of UAVs

Richard Hjelmberg examines the part that unmanned aerial vehicles now play in the emergency and security services Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are increasing in popularity across both military and civilian domains as organisations realise the benefits they can bring to a mission. A growing interest in their application is within… Read more »

Homegrown terrorism

Jytte Klausen examines what sort of people are driven to acts of extremism and why The concept of ‘homegrown’ terrorism was born in the aftermath of the 2005 London Underground attacks and gained prominence as more terrorist incidents committed by European and North American militants in the name of the movement Bin Laden started in… Read more »

Go forth and prosper

Shahzad Ali explains how to get into and advance in the security industry This year has been truly devastating for the security industry, with statistics revealing security workers saw the highest number of deaths in the UK per 100,000 from COVID-19 in 2020. Security workers risk their lives every day to ensure the public is… Read more »

The X factor

Jason Wakefield reveals the benefits to streamlining X-ray scanner compliance When choosing a preventive maintenance contract for your X-ray scanner it’s easy to just sign up with the system manufacturer without too much thought. The time and effort invested into choosing the equipment in the first place was demanding, so why bother putting more time… Read more »

On the edge

Andrea Sorri reveals how edge analytics can be used to enhance safety and security You’ll have no doubt heard the term ‘edge computing’ (and possibly alongside it, edge analytics) and as processing power in end devices grows, so does the number of applications – especially in large-scale connected environments like smart cities.As billions of devices… Read more »

False positives

Chuck Everette explains how automation can resolve the drain on cyber security teams One of the biggest challenges in cyber security is the sheer scale of the task. Modern IT networks are highly complex, combining hundreds of components that constantly interact in different ways. This provides threat actors with a large attack surface and myriad… Read more »