Posts By: Jacob Charles

Contraband detection

Karen Kingham examines the role that Deep Learning can play in stopping the smuggling of illicit goods into prison Recently, at the International Corrections and Prisons Association (ICPA) fourth Technology in Corrections Conference, ODSecurity together with the Netherlands Stenden University of Applied Sciences, presented their thought-provoking paper on an innovative approach to using Deep Learning… Read more »

Lift off

Antony Quinn explores the impact intelligent, hands-free jetpack technology will have on the security sector. The jetpack age has arrived for the security industry – 60 years since the world’s first rocket pack, the Bell Aerosystems Rocket Belt, had its maiden flight. Strapping jet engines to yourself and heading up into the sky was preserved… Read more »

Deep Fakes

Alon Arvatz and Nikolay Gaubitch on the new pandemic on the horizon Last year there were plenty of headlines on organisations suffering from ransomware, phishing and cyber attacks, with the Colonial Pipeline attack in May and Kaseya cyberattack in July making national headlines. This year, however, there may be a new threat – deepfakes.Deepfakes are… Read more »

Going solo

Don Cameron reports on the dangers of lone working and what employers can do to keep staff safe For many organisations, lone working can increase productivity, flexibility and allows businesses to operate on a wider scale. According to the latest HSE statistics, it is estimated that there now are up to 8-million lone workers in… Read more »

Identity confirmed

Ralf Gladis explains why biometrics are the step forward for data protection It’s widely acknowledged that the global pandemic accelerated digitisation, and along with the drive towards contactless payments, consumers have also seen the benefits of adopting biometrics to speed up and ease their payments. But while devices are now being developed to enable fingerprint… Read more »

Testing times

Cathy O’Carroll on the importance of driving defence’s sustainable future with test and evaluation Climate change sits atop of the global agenda as a prominent issue for many industries. With the recent culmination of COP 26, the global environmental impact of human activity on the planet has never been under such scrutiny.With mounting pressure to… Read more »

TSCM legends

Dean La-Vey honours Lee Tracey and Charles Bovill, pioneers of TSCM In July 2019, a genuine pioneer of TSCM passed away at the age of 93. Harold Lee Tracey (known as Lee) was the inventor of the Scanlock; the first truly dedicated TSCM detector for covert radio microphones. Based on his own prototype designs from… Read more »

The return of al-Qaeda?

Henry Wilkinson reports on Afghanistan and the future state of global jihad The Taliban’s seizure of power in Afghanistan ahead of the 20th anniversary of 9/11 prompted intense debate about the global jihadist threat. And it has raised many questions about the impact of the US withdrawal from a region that remains heavily affected by… Read more »

Cognitive electronic warfare

Dr. Karen Zita Haigh and Julia Andrusenko outline the opportunities to use AI in electronic warfare The challenges of modern Electronic Warfare (EW) are beyond the ability of traditional approaches to solve. Incorporating Artificial Intelligence techniques into EW systems is the only way to manage the complexity of this problem domain and its rapid timescales…. Read more »

Chemistry lesson

Tony Kingham examines the evolving threat from chemical weapons and reveals how we are fighting back Chemical weapons are nothing new. The earliest recorded use of gas warfare in Europe dates back to the fifth century BC, during the Peloponnesian War. Spartan forces besieging an Athenian city placed a lighted mixture of wood, pitch and… Read more »