Posts By: Jacob Charles

Shifting plates

How more ambitious deployments of ANPR with integrated solutions, better cameras and more powerful software are unlocking benefits to law enforcement ANPR is proving to be a significant enabler in applications from global logistics and highways management to law enforcement, with improved capability unlocking new uses and applications. In the UK West Midlands region, a… Read more »

Attaining the standard

Phil Robinson explores what’s required under the ASSURE scheme and how airports can get the most out of the process Cybersecurity is a pressing issue in the aviation sector. During 2020, 62 percent of airports were subjected to attack, according to a report by the Airports Council International (ACI), with warnings that the sector can… Read more »

Flexible working

Martyn Ryder, looks at the capacity for the cloud to unlock critical insights and help manage costs for business that support flexible working When the global pandemic took hold in spring 2020, the closing of business premises saw those who were able turn to homeworking. Organisations that had already embraced digital transformation and the use… Read more »

Safety first

Fabian Libeau reveals how an inventory of attack surfaces guards against cyber-attack In its review of 2021, the National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC) highlighted not just the rise in ransomware attacks against public and private organisations, but also increased hostile acts targeting critical national infrastructure and government. A memorable example was the attack on software giant… Read more »

Picking up the pieces

Ed Williams examines the correct procedure in the aftermath of a ransomware attack Ransomware is a nightmare for CISOs and security teams. It can topple an organisation and compromise its critical assets and systems in a matter of seconds. On average, it takes ransomware attacks only three seconds after execution to start encrypting critical files… Read more »

Ready for anything

Matt Medley reveals why 2022 is set to become the year of the Integrated Data Environment – providing the digital thread to underpin defence logistics and support While the utilisation of software by militaries to manage IT infrastructure and mission-critical weapons systems has been quickly advancing, analysis, data collection and execution is yet to make… Read more »

The future of HVM

Roger Knight examines the importance of getting the balance between protection and aesthetics right Unfortunately, it is a reality that Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) systems are required to protect the public against both accidental and intentional vehicle collisions. However, this does not need to be at the expense of the aesthetics of the public realm…. Read more »

Opening doors

Steve Wintle reports on mobile credentials and how they are revolutionising access control for a digital world The world is adopting new technologies at an astounding rate, and as a society we are becoming more reliant on digital devices. When it comes to managing access control, mobile credentials are similarly gaining popularity across a wide… Read more »

Jamming and spoofing

Maria Simsky explains why secure GPS receivers are crucial for GNSS/INS systems With the growth of automation and robotisation in many industries, from agriculture and delivery drones to self-driving cars, the demand for accurate and affordable navigation is on the rise. When selecting a GPS/GNSS (Global positioning system/Global Navigation Satellite System) receiver it is crucial… Read more »

Covid-19 fraudsters

Dr Gareth Owenson reports on the rise of fake vaccine cards on the Dark Web While political and social debate caused by the proposed use of COVID Vaccine Cards (CVCs) raged across traditional and social media platforms, underground networks of cybercriminals found new ways to exploit public fear and unease for financial and strategic gain.This… Read more »